CHP HOA Meeting

Meeting start: 6:30

Board Members in Attendance: JJ, Jan, John, David
Board Members Absent: Karen, Sage Ingerson, CAMS representative

O’Neil Gilliam, landscape contractor



  • DHEC inspected the dam and changed our classification. We now need fewer inspections.
  • The pond treatment worked. The dye keeps the light from reaching ther bottom. Now that this is the plan we don’t need the aeration we had been talking about.
  • JJ asked about removing the shrubs by the pool fence. O’Neil says it’s better to spray them with herbicide and kill them, then cut them off at ground level.
  • Then we can put sod in that area.


  • Chestnut Ridge sign is still out. Electrician tells us he has to dig up wiring to repair the fault. The plan is to get several of the white light poles re-lit when he does this work.


  • New spinnie thing might be installed in late February.


  • Cleaning is done, now it’s time to stain. We have one estimate for staining, about $25,000. Discussion: David thinks this is outrageous, but John says it’s reasonable considering how difficult it is to get to all the little areas up high. We’ll get some more quotes.
  • Jan: There’s been problems with payments.
  • CAMS no longer taking money orders.
  • Homeowners can pay through the portal IF Jan tells CAMS to bill them for it.
  • Some payments have been credited to HOA dues. We’re working on correcting this.
  • No longer need security deposit; CAMS can bill for damages.


  • JJ and John are in touch with the contractor to complete the storage shed.
  • We’ll need an electrician: we have to move a photocell.
  • When the shed is done the outside shower will be moved, so that takes care of the pipe that froze there. We have to remember to get the frozen pipe at the water fountain repaired in the spring. Discussion: we’ll go ahead and get it done now. John will inform Sage.
  • We have a quote for new fencing for the pool. Discussion: JJ will get a quote from Mike. We’d like to have this done by pool season but might have to wait until the next budget year.

River Overlook:

  • We have a quote for the new river overlook. Discussion:
    • The original plan was for a wooden pavilion. This plan for gravel held in by railroad ties will take less maintenance.
    • O’Neil will talk to Mike about perhaps doing this in-house. We really don’t need any grading, and a couple of volunteers could install the railroad ties and spread some gravel.
    • With the cost of staining the clubhouse, this may be another project that has to wait until next budget year.
  • David would like to repair the existing little piece for about $40. The board agreed to do that to make it safer until the new overlook is done, then probably take the old one down.

2023 Events:

  • The Social Committee met and set dates for 2023 events:
    • Mar 26: Easter Egg hunt by Ashley McKey (not an HOA event)
    • Apr 29: Crappie Tournament coordinated by Jeremy Catoe
    • May 6: Movie Night
    • Jul 1: Summer Splash
    • Sep 23: Chili cook-off
    • Oct 14: Pumpkin Patch by Sarah Lewis (not an HOA event)
    • Oct 21: Fall Festival
    • Dec 2: Holiday Gathering
  • Additionally, we’ve set the HOA meetings for the year:
    • Jan 30
    • Feb 27
    • Mar 27
    • Apr 24
    • May 22 (last Monday of May is Memorial Day)
    • Jun 26
    • Jul 31
    • Aug 28
    • Sep 25
    • Oct 30
    • Nov 6: Budget Meeting
    • Dec 4: Annual Meeting – takes place of November HOA meeting
    • No December HOA meeting

Other business:

  • We’ve talked about buying a screen and projector for movie nights. Hiring a service to do it is about $500. A 20ft screen is about $200. We can get a good projector for $1,500.
    • This will pay for itself in 3 years.
    • If we own our own equipment we can have movie night more often.
    • David is looking at a projector with a smaller screen (thinking pool) for only $650, but it looks too good to be true. Waiting for more information.
  • The whole area has been cleared on the Dark Hill for seven new homes. David will ask the developer to add silt fence to stop mud running into the stream at the bottom, and remind him about getting Dominion to install lights.
  • A homeowner asked about covenant enforcement. The Rules Committee still has to meet to give CAMS directions. Homeowners in attendance noted parking on grass and trash cans left on the street.


Meeting ended at 7:30

Next HOA meeting Feb 27.


851 Lost Creek Dr, Columbia, SC 29212