Annual Meeting
Board Members in Attendance: David, JJ, Karen, Jan
Board Members Absent: John Harrison, Town & Country
O’Neil Gilliam, Landscape Manager
About 7 members attended
Board opening:
- John has resigned from the board. He recommends we talk to Toni Jumper to replace him.
- We will also post an invitation to join the board.
Old Business:
- Karen has shared a Google doc so we can track which vehicles we’ve warned.
- JJ has ordered perforated paper for the warnings and will distribute them when they are ready.
- David did not create yard signs that say No Placard, No Parking. It was suggested he look into having them made professionally, with the logo and everything. He’ll look into that.
- A homeowner mentioned that there’s no instructions on the web site about parking or how to get a placard. We’ll rectify that.
- However, there was an email blast, as well as posts on both Facebook pages, and it’s been discussed in these meetings, with minutes posted on the web site.
- It was suggested we also put it on the sign boards.
- We need to remove some trees near the Grove Hall pond.
- Waiting for the contractor to repair some irrigation leaks. There’s only so many contractors capable of the kind of work we need so we don’t always get attention right away.
- We’re switching landscaping companies. US Lawns insisted on a tremendous rate increase to keep fulfilling the contract, and cut back on service until we agreed. We didn’t agree, held them in breach of contract, and hired Urban Landscapes. Urban Landscapes has been shown around the property, expectations have been laid out, and they know we have another contractor in mind if they can’t do the job.
- JJ talked about the ponds. In the past we’ve done regular fish fertilization and counts, and even stocked. That hasn’t happened in a few years and the fisherman have noticed.
- David mentioned that we haven’t budgeted it recently, remembers a conversation where we made this decision.
- The board agreed that JJ can get some quotes and we’ll consider it.
- O’Neil reminded David to make sure developers obtain a Private Locate before any more utility work. The parkway lights were a catastrophe we’d rather not have to deal with again.
- O’Neil says to stop waiting for the quote to repair the lights That electrician isn’t returning his calls any more. Go ahead and call other vendors.
- We’re right on track with spending. We’re a little ahead on income, due to assertive collections from town & Country and Law Firm Carolinas.
- Law Firm Carolinas is asking for permission to move on some foreclosures.
- This doesn’t mean putting people on the street. It’s the next step in the collections process. Just as some people decided to pay when they got the Right to Cure letters, and others when they got lien notices, some will decide to pay when they get the foreclosure notice.
- Others will declare bankruptcy, but that doesn’t eliminate the debt or the lien, just puts it off until the bankruptcy is discharged.
- Others will wait until the court order.
- The board voted unanimously to proceed with all recommended foreclosures.
- We have one owner who has a lot, has never paid dues, but is using the facilities.
- Original covenant said dues start when a house is occupied. Covenants were amended in 2003 to say they start when a lot is sold. JJ remembers when this amendment was added, to address this situation for more than one property.
- The property has been in his family since 1999. He hasn’t been billed until recently.
- Jan said there’s someone who rents the clubhouse and just owns a lot, but she pays dues. JJ believes he knows of anther vacant lot that’s paying dues.
- The board discussed to difficulty of billing for the past if we’ve overlooked it in the past. Probably better to start billing now and forgive the past debt. If he wants to fight it in court we can ask for all past dues.
- JJ will talk to David Peterson who managed the property for 20 years, to see if we can get records of this property being billed or paying the past. David will see if Town & Country can help with these records.
- Once we get these answers we’ll discuss and vote on what to do next.
- Here’s a quote for parking lot repair.
- The board instructed David to meet with the contractor, get a more complete scope of work (how big an area he will cut, how deep he will go, what he will fill it with) and a warranty.
- Once we have that we can vote on moving forward.
- Here’s the rescue ring and rope. The pool company will take these off the invoice. They’ve agreed to wait for authorization before buying things in the future.
- Karen for an estimate for re-strapping the chairs: $10 per strap.
- It might be better to buy new chairs made of composite material, which will last longer. She’ll try to get a more complete quote and compare to new chairs. This is not urgent.
- We discussed the quote from Apple plumbing.
- The camera inspection is necessary to allow the filter to backwash. This is necessary to protect the pump and keep the pool clean. The price seems reasonable. This needs to happen ASAP. The board voted unanimously to proceed with this part of the work.
- The repair to the faucet in the women’s sink appeared excessive until we realized that it included “exposing water line to diagnose extent of damage.” We doubt there was any other damage; there was no leak, the faucet just didn’t work. Without that expense the repair price seems reasonable, but Karen will call other plumbers for competitive quotes, including replacing the faucet rather than repairing it.
- We still need this kind of faucet so people can’t just leave it running.
- The repair to the shower also includes inspections we don’t think we need. David noted that a similar repair at his home was quoted for a higher price. Karen will have the other plumbers quote this while they’re looking at the sink.
- As the meeting was ½ hour over time, we tabled the clubhouse discussion. It will be first on the agenda next month.
- Here are the details on having Town & Country handle clubhouse reservations
- We also need to talk about the cancellation policy.
Next HOA meeting July 29