2021 March HOA
Monthly Meeting
Meeting Start: 6:30pm
Board Members in Attendance: David Bergeron, JJ Gentry, Karen Sipos, John Wallace,
Attendees: Four residents
- Using a new chemical for post-emergent weed control, which should show better results. Also spraying for pests.
- We’re starting irrigation inspections and repairs.
- Treated around the pool for fire ants. If anyone sees fire ants, contact the Board so we can have them treated.
- Pinestraw and mulch should be coming late April or early May.
Pool – Karen Sipos:
- The pool committee is forming. Once we can get together, we’ll meet to go over the rules for this year.
- DHEC has issued some non-binding guidance for pools in the age of covid; we’re looking at those.
- Some of us met to inspect and make a list of things to do before opening: chair and table repairs, an issue in the men’s room, fence painting.
Clubhouse – JJ Gentry:
- We need to do a wash after pollen season.
- There is something building a nest in the rafters. We’re having a roofer look at repairs to prevent it from getting in, then we can clear out the nest.
Lakes, Pond, Trails – Ward, Trail committee:
- Still struggling with the beavers. We keep tearing down a dam, which it keeps rebuilding. Efforts to trap it have so far not worked.
- Someone cut up the big log blocking one of the trails. Thanks to that anonymous worker.
Social Committee – Tammy Hartford, volunteer Social Committee member:
- Thanks to Ashley McKee Thompson for putting on the Easter Egg hunt.
- Next thing is Nature Day on the 17th.
- We also have The Blood Connection coming for a blood drive on the 24th.
Questions and Ideas
Ashley McKee Thompson asked about getting a majority or quorum of homeowners together to amend the Covenants. It was explained that the development is still under control of the original owner (Seaboard Flour), since it has not all been developed or sold. That means that even if you could get a majority of homeowners to vote (as defined in the Covenants), any change would have to be approved by Seaboard. They have shown no interest in changing anything in the past.
Meeting End: 7:45pm