November 2021 Meeting Minutes
CHP HOA Meeting Agenda
Meeting start: 6:30
Board Members in Attendance: David Bergeron, Karen Sipos, JJ Gentry, John Wallace, Jan Talkish
Board Members Absent:
Attendees: 3 Residents and O’Neil Gilliam, Landscape Manager
Meeting started at 6:30pm.
Still waiting for the parts to come in for the lights.
O’Neil’s report shows he will be zeroing out his landscape budget by the end of the year. Budget that was sent today is actual. Some of the crew was out there working to get caught up.
Keith the Chair of the Tennis Committee has updated quotes based on the budget for next year. Talbot will be able to fix the whole thing including removing and replacing the posts, patch cracks, paint new lines and 4 new nets for the courts. $40,000 with a two year warranty. The other quote has no warranty. Keith is not in favor of this quote and prefers the Talbot quote. Expected life expectancy will be around 10 years for these repairs.
We need to have some of the fencing repaired. CAMS will arrange this. With all the trees around, the windscreen is not a priority.
The Board approved the expense and had no further questions. David Perterson will get the contract signed. Work can begin in the spring. Keith is grateful for the approval and states this is a great investment for the community.
JJ asked about the Budget for the Community, our Dec meeting is Dec 13th. The letter has been approved but has not yet arrived in the mail. Since we are not increasing the dues we do not have these out in the 30 day mark. Will we be posting the proposed budget on social media? Yes we can post it. Encourage people to attend the meeting if they have questions.
Christmas drop in is this Saturday, will include Santa. Food and adult refreshments will be available as well.
Jan said the clubhouse should be decorated by Wednesday night. She is hoping to do the outside stuff on Saturday. She needs to go to Carolina Pottery to get bows. Bows need to come from CP so they match the ones from last year, some faded due to sun. We discussed that more people can help Sunday, and settled on Sunday afternoon around 2pm to get the decorations on the neighbor signs.
If someone else wants to take over decorating in the future, Jan is willing to give that up.
Chairs are still outside the pool. We are still waiting on shed details to store them.
Clubhouse report, still getting nasty grams about not getting forms. Jan is getting contacted by people upset that they didn’t hear back. She would like us to put a notice on the Facebook page that they should be getting a notification email when they successfully submit. We tested it right there in the meeting and it does send an email notification immediately.
Our current camera Arlo has gone to a monthly fee now. Discussion on what we should do with the clubhouse cameras. JJ spoke on a need for a new router to help with bandwidth. Then we can get cameras that store data on site without subscription. Jan still cannot look at the cameras. Issues with signing in to the application.
Question on the plan for the townhouses. Dave reached out to the city and they have not closed on the permits. Speculation on issues with the sewer.
Dave also found out who owns the 3 or 4 lots on the dark hill, they are now aware they have to go through us.
Roads are still being worked on around the neighborhood. Some places went deeper than expected. Paving schedule on the website is not accurate. The Project Manager lives in our neighborhood. The break in the water line is near his house actually.
Meeting Called to an End at 7:27 pm.