Annual Meeting


Board Members in Attendance: David B, JJ, Karen, Sarah, Jan, David W
Board Members Absent: Toni

John Harrison, Town & Country

About 6 members attended


  • Landscape looks good
  • Winter projects have begun
  • The well pump house repair is delayed. Need to wait for the electrician, then remove the pump, then get the metal plate fabricated. Hopefully can be done in January.
  • JJ will talk to O’Neil about pond maintenance. Right now we think we’re just treating for algae. Want to manage and fertilize the fish.
  • The erosion beside the clubhouse drive has been filled. David W is working on getting the barriers replaced. Need to get sod down before the landfill washes away again.
  • In light of recent damage along the boar tamp access, JJ will look at trail cams to monitor usage.


  • Discussed the new fee schedule:
    • Mon-Thu $150, $300 if using the lawn behind the stone wall
    • Fri-Sun, $200, $400 if using the lawn
    • Not allowed to use any green space unless reserving the lawn as well, and then just the lawn
  • Looked at the procedures and contract from Town & Country
    • Will review them and meet again to finalize


  • Lights are all working, and timers have been replaced.
    • Need signs at the timers to tell people not to turn them backwards.
    • Need lock on the big switch to keep it on
  • Keith reports that the rain has done its job, and he doesn’t think we need to pay for washing the courts. He’s looking into just some small repairs, but the courts are playable.
  • Keith will also see about completely resurfacing one court at a time to spread out the cost. He’ll see if he can start getting us some numbers in the spring.


  • The Point has realized that their attempts to repair the sign will not work. An entirely new one is being made
    • David B should remind them to send a proof before they start building it
  • The Point needs one more sewer connection. O’Neil is monitoring. They’ve begun grading the roads. Should begin building in 2025.
  • Two houses on the Dark Hill have driveways, sod and air conditioners.
    • David W is working with Dominion to get the street lights installed. They’re supposed to send an engineer this week.


  • We discussed two trailers that John put on his report. For the time being, we don’t have a rule against trailers.
  • We discussed boats and RVs. John will start putting them on the report so we can evaluate the level of concealment and he can start learning what concealment is enough.
  • We can send John an email about houses we want to make sure he sees on his patrols.
  • We have 25 free letters a week. If the report has more than 25 items, we can decide to put some off, or pay the extra for extra letters.
  • One house in particular came up. A neighbor suggested seeing if we could get a group together to offer to help them repair the fence and clean up the yard.


  • We have the 2025 contract. It doesn’t include attendants since they did very little last year. This will save thousands.
  • Karen and JJ are still working on prices for repairing or replacing the baby pool.
  • We still need to put the furniture away and turn off the water.


  • A member mentioned that the doggy stations are frequently empty.
    • O’Neil assures us that the landscapers are filling them
    • Maybe they don’t know where they all are?
    • We’ll look into it again.

Annual meeting Dec 9


851 Lost Creek Dr, Columbia, SC 29212