CHP HOA Meeting Agenda
Meeting start: 6:35pm
Board Members in Attendance: John, David
Board Members Absent: JJ, Jan
Karen arrived as the meeting was ending
O’Neil Gilliam, landscape contractor
Sage Ingerson, CAMS Community Representative
Attendees: about 11 homeowners
We’re transitioning to fall maintenance, including tree trimming.
We’re soliciting bids for a new company to maintain the ponds. Work on aerating the small pond will be put off until we decide on a maintenance company.
A homeowner reported the small pond in The Grove also has an algae problem.
Jeremy Catoe suggested we talk to DNR about help with the algae in the ponds. We have let them use river access for years; they may be willing to help us out.
Working with CAMS on getting timely notifications when homeowners report problems.
Sage will forward to the Board a quote on cleaning the outside of the clubhouse, including repairing the piece hanging on the front.
Sage will see if she can figure out the last time the clubhouse was water-sealed.
The new lights were working for at least one night, but now are out again. Lance is coming after dark to look again.
We’ve ordered the new spinnie thing for the playground. No word yet on installation date.
Septic system seems to be fixed now.
Pool is closed.
Will be covered by the end of the week.
We’re cleaning up and making a list of maintenance and repair items.
There has been talk of making the fences harder to climb, and removing bushes so the pool can be seen from the parking lot. This discussion will continue among the Pool Committee and be presented to the Board.
The Pool Committee will have an end-of-season meeting soon.
No progress got made on the storage building under Halcyon. We need written plans before we can talk to the City about permits. David will try to find the last quote we got, and get it to Sage to see if CAMS can find someone to draw up some plans.
The contractor who gave us the last quote is no longer doing this kind of work.
Sage send the Board a draft budget this afternoon. The Board must discuss, mark up, and return input.
We have some suggestions from homeowners for next year:
Repair pool
Water Fountain is in pieces
Ceiling in Men’s room is peeling
Garbage doors are falling off
Chairs need cleaning
More of the nice round picnic tables
Repair deck on the river
Restock ponds
Ice Maker for clubhouse
Other business:
A new homeowner asked about river access. Sage is already in touch with her and they will talk after the meeting.
A homeowner asked if there was an update on The Pointe. We are supposed to be informed of a timeline with several weeks’ notice before they break ground. David promised to make an announcement as soon as he hears anything, and asked to be informed if any work begins.
Meeting adjourned around 7:00
Next HOA meeting Oct 24.