CHP HOA Meeting Minutes – 02/24/2020
Meeting start: 6:32 pm
Board Members in Attendance: O’Neil Gilliam, David Bergeron
Board Members Absent: J.J. Gentry, Jan Talkish
- Attendees: 8 Residents and David Peterson of CAMS Residential Services
Flood Assessment:
Several board members took a look around after the flood to assess damage.
The tennis courts currently have about an eighth of an inch of dirt on the playing surface. Current rainfall has been helpful with washing some of the dirt away, but the HOA is looking into hiring professionals to pressure wash the courts, as this must be done carefully to avoid damaging the surfaces. O’Neil is also considering contacting the local fire department about coming down with a water truck to do a quick clean off. Also, when the flooding subsided, there was a lot of debris piled up around the fence of the tennis courts – this was all cleaned up by our landscaping company, U.S. Lawns.
A resident attending tonight’s meeting reports that he has spoken to Keith Sarto regarding the tennis courts. The Tennis Committee will be meeting this coming Saturday at 9 o’clock in the morning, at the tennis courts, to do some cleanup work following the flooding. He was asked to let the Board know if we still need to power wash after the cleanup.
Behind the tennis courts, there appears to be a washout, most likely due to beaver activity. Dirt will be collected from other areas of the neighborhood and used for repairing this damage. All of the canals will also be checked during this time to make sure that they are structurally sound.
The raised path leading to the river overlook is filled with mud. We would like to clean this up and replace the gravel. We plan to get a truck load of gravel and rent a Bobcat. We will gravel the path, the parking area by the boat ramp, and fill a couple of holes in the road to that area.
The Broad River overlook platform is tilting badly, and the only thing holding it up and in place is a large wooden crossbeam. It has been decided that, for safety reasons, the whole structure needs to come down. Chainsaws will need to be used to dismantle the platform; however, O’Neil would like to salvage whatever wood he can to be used in rebuilding. O’Neil envisions a new pavilion and picnic area which would be created a bit back from the river (behind the sign area) on higher ground. Prior to any planning and construction, and because the location is a conservation area, the HOA Board will need to get permission and permits for the project from the Congaree Land Trust.
Pool: O’Neil will be suggesting to the Board that a Pool Committee Chairperson be elected. O’Neil has a person in mind, but he will also be asking for nominations. This person will give monthly reports on pool activities and issues, and will have the authority to police the pool area when needed, including removing individuals who fail to follow pool rules.
Jan recently reported to the Board that – following this past winter season – there are some pool chairs that need to be repaired.
As mentioned previously, the cement pad for the new shed is in place, however, following the 2015 flood, the pool area was re-designated by the City of Columbia as a flood zone, and a flood zone impact study needed to be done prior to the approval of building permits. This study is our responsibility and will cost money. Even after the study is completed, there is no guarantee that the city will give approval for building the shed (which would house pool equipment, pool furniture, and chemicals). O’Neil has proposed that an open gazebo/pavilion be built instead, as the requirements for a building permit are not as demanding. This type of structure could be outfitted with plastic, zipper-closing sides, which would be closed over the winter months, providing protection from the elements. Another option would be enclosing the structure with boat wrap during the winter months. There have been two (2) floods in the last five years, though neither has reached the pool. The Board needs to prepare for the future in case of other wild weather. O’Neil plans on speaking to the entire Board as soon as feasible about abandoning the shed idea and going instead with a gazebo/pavilion.
Clubhouse: Due to a recent family matter, Jan has stepped back for a while from clubhouse duties. At this time, all clubhouse rentals and information is being handled by Becky Jones.
Becky may be reached at (803) 749-3597. Please be aware that this is the only way to contact Becky – she does not have an email address. The Board kindly asks that residents please allow Jan privacy at this time, and work with Becky until Jan is ready to return to regular clubhouse duties.
Landscaping: Other than a bit of cleanup after the flooding, there is not much currently happening as far as landscaping. Due to all of the recent rain, it may be necessary to do another pre-emergent weed treatment. Weeds are starting to germinate within the community, and it is hoped that the prior treatment will have some effect, but even with a secondary treatment we may still see some weed outbreaks.
It was discovered that, due to the flooding, the pump house equipment had been running non-stop. O’Neil will be speaking to the city, and hopefully we will not get an excessive bill for the time period of the flooding.
If you have any landscaping concerns, comments, or questions, please contact O’Neil via the Board email form on the CHP website:
Communications Committee: The Comm Comm and the Board have started a new, official HOA Facebook page. The new page – Chestnut Hill Plantation Homeowner’s Association – Official – is live while under construction, and is currently being set up with administrators made up of the Comm Comm and the Board. This information only page would contain news, updates, and notifications of importance to residents, including links to information that is placed on the website. The page will be closed to commenting. This will offer an alternative for residents who wish to receive official HOA news and information without general chatter.
The group is currently open for residents to join – it is expected that there will be no more than 2-3 postings a week, if that. The group can be found at:
The new neighborhood information signs will be installed by O’Neil and a volunteer on an upcoming Saturday or Sunday. One sign will be located at the intersection of Pond Oak and Lost Creek Drive by the stop sign. The second sign will be located on Lost Creek Drive at Hollingshed Road, near the stop sign of that intersection. These two spots were chosen as they are places where people will need to come to a stop anyway, thus allowing them a chance to safely read the sign board without holding up traffic. These locations also offer availability to electricity if lighting is needed for the signs. The signs will be maintained by members of the Communications Committee.
The Communications Committee will be meeting on March 25 to continue discussing additions to the CHP website. One topic of discussion will be finding a more convenient place for home-improvement paperwork, as well as continued updates to the site.
CAMS: It was recently discovered that water was leaking into the clubhouse from around the top of the chimney. David Peterson met with a contractor last Friday, who discovered that when the chimney was built, roofing shingles had been removed and replaced, and putty was used to fill in gaps. Over the years, the putty has worn away, allowing water to seep in. The HOA hopes to have this issue fixed within a week or two.
The neighbor who owns the land next door to the clubhouse – and has been dealing with continued trespassing issues – has become a little over-zealous about fencing the perimeter of his property, and appears to have placed one fence on our side of the property line. The Board will be speaking to the owner soon about moving the fence back a bit to his side of the property line.
CAMS on has also been working on construction issues at a home on Highland Creek, which neighbors had deemed an eyesore. After speaking with the owner, David Peterson reports that repairs and cleanup have taken place, and that the property is now much improved.
The new signs for the Grove Hall pond area are in and need to be installed. It is hoped that this will happen within the next few weeks.
There are still lighting issues at the clubhouse, and the Board needs to meet with an electrician one evening within the next week or two to come up with solutions. The existing wiring is over 25 years old, difficult to get to, and has broken or deteriorated in many areas, so new electrical lines will be needed. New lighting possibilities include decorative light posts that would be placed along the center strip of grass between the walkways.
Beaver Trapping: Jeremy Catoe reports that recent trapping efforts have netted four (4) beavers, and it is hoped that two more will be captured. The Board would like to remind people to stay out of the areas where traps are placed, and that tampering with traps is illegal. All trapping is being supervised by Jeremy Catoe.
Trails Committee: Ward Squires reports that, with the recent flooding and heavy rains, the trails are very, very muddy. Luckily, no big trees have come down, and no trails have been washed out, but there is a lot of debris and everything is a mess. No trail cleaning days have been scheduled as of yet because all trail areas need to dry out before any work be done. As soon as trails are workable, a weekend clean-up day will be scheduled and a call will go out for volunteers.
Pool Committee: The Pool Committee will be back in session sometime during the spring. As the pool opens in mid-May, it is anticipated that the first meeting may take place in early April. According to O’Neil, J.J. Gentry has expressed an interest in taking over the Pool Committee Chair position.
Social Committee: The Social Committee has decided on dates for upcoming 2020 events. They are as follows:
Movie Night – 5/16 at the clubhouse field.
Independence Day – 7/4 – pool games, and a possible ice cream social in the clubhouse.
Neighborhood BBQ – 10/17 or 10/24 at the clubhouse.
Holiday Drop In – 12/5 at the clubhouse
Resident Concerns: Residents report that they have been seeing a lot of tractor-trailers (18 wheelers) in the neighborhood of late. Tractor-trailers have been spotted at all times of the day and night, sometimes parking on Lost Creek Drive, and sometimes just cutting through the neighborhood from either Hollingshed to Broad River Road, or vice versa. Not only do residents see this as a noise issue, but there are worries about safety, and whether or not such large vehicles will cause damage to the new road surface or the center islands when turning in and out of the neighborhoods. O’Neil reminded all in attendance that our roads are owned by the City of Columbia, and that we may not have much say over what types of vehicles can or cannot travel through, however, O’Neil will call the Department of Transportation, and see what options we may have. Residents are asked to let the Board know when they are seeing tractor-trailers within the neighborhood. If residents can note the time and the name of the tractor-trailer companies, it would be very helpful to the Board. Please send information to the board at:
Residents state that they are seeing a lot of people parking on lawns and on sidewalks within the community. The Board would like to remind residents that neither type of parking is allowed, and ask residents to report violations using the guidelines below:
If you see a car parked on a resident’s lawn: the Board asks that you please take a picture of the vehicle on the lawn, as well as a picture of the house with the house number, and forward it to the Board. The Board will have CAMS send the homeowner a warning letter.
If you see cars parked fully or partially on sidewalks: this is a violation of City of Columbia law, as sidewalks must remain accessible for pedestrian (especially handicapped) traffic. Please call the City of Columbia Police Department non-emergency number at: (803) 252-2911 to report vehicles in violation.
Meeting End: 7:48pm
Minutes reviewed and authorized by: David Bergeron, HOA Board Member
Renée Cabaup / Comm. Comm.