CHP HOA Pool Rules And Info!

As always, POOL USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. By entering the pool area, residents, family members and guests acknowledge that they have read, understand and will abide by these rules, understand the risks associated with utilizing the pool area, and will release the HOA from any and all liability associated with any such risks.


See closures in real time

POOL (2024)

May 11th – September 29th


Morning Hours (18 or older only) 5:00am – 8:00am 

Daytime Hours 8:00am – 8:30pm 

Evening Hours (18 or older only) 8:30am – 11:00pm 


Only homeowners, household members, and accompanying guests 18 or older in good standing are allowed in the pool area during morning hours (5:00 – 8:00 am) and evening hours (8:30 – 11:00 pm). Anyone 17 years of age and younger shall exit the pool area no later than 8:30 pm, regardless of whether a parent, guardian, or other adult is present. No lifeguards or attendants are on duty. All pool use is at your own risk. If rules are not followed or the pool area is not kept clean and organized, the HOA reserves the right to discontinue morning and evening hours.


Homeowners, household members, and accompanying guests in good standing are allowed in the pool area during daytime hours (8:00 am – 8:30 pm). No lifeguards are on duty. All pool use is at your own risk. From May 11th – September 2nd, attendants will be on duty on Saturdays (12:00pm – 8:30pm), Sundays (12:00pm – 8:30pm), and holidays. There will be no attendants on duty Monday through Friday. Attendants are authorized to enforce pool rules, and instructed to call police if necessary. If there are any complaints, homeowners will receive a warning. If there are multiple complaints, the household will lose pool privileges. From September 3rd – 29th, attendants will not be on duty. If rules are not followed or the pool area is not kept clean and organized, the HOA reserves the right to end the pool season early.


No one will be allowed in the pool area if there is thunder or lightning in the area, or the pool has been temporarily closed for safety or other reasons.


Everyone in the pool area is expected to be courteous and polite to everyone else in the pool area.


Household members and accompanying guests 14 or younger must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or person 18 or older to access the pool area during daytime hours. This adult shall supervise the child at all times, and is responsible for the child’s behavior. Additionally, household members and accompanying guests must be 5 or younger to use the baby pool. Homeowners are responsible for the conduct of their household members and guests.


Homeowners and household members 18 or older may have up to 5 guests per household. Household members 15-17 years of age may have 1 guest per household when not accompanied by a parent, guardian, or person 18 or older. Homeowners or household members must accompany guests at all times. Hosts are responsible for the conduct of their guests.


Homeowners and household members shall use their HOA fobs to enter and exit the gate. Attendants have been instructed to not open the gate for any person, even if the person has a fob. Homeowners and household members shall not give or loan their fobs to non-household members. Also, homeowners and household members shall not use their fobs to open the gate or hold the gate open for non-household members, except accompanying guests, even if the non-household member has a fob. Homeowners and household members shall present their fobs to a pool attendant upon entering the pool area. Fobs will not unlock the gate from 11:01 pm – 4:59 am. Anyone failing to exit the pool area by 11:00 pm will be locked in the pool area. If a homeowner does not have a fob, loses a fob, or the fob is not unlocking the gate, contact the HOA management company (803-667-3763).


When attendants are on duty, homeowners and household members shall sign-in when entering the pool area and sign-out when exiting the pool area. Only one member per household is required to sign-in and sign-out. The household member shall provide his or her name, pool fob number and the number of accompanying household members and guests.


All clothing and swimwear must be appropriate to a family environment in the pool area. Pool users in diapers or being potty trained shall wear swimwear designed to prevent pool contamination.


Small personal flotation devices and toys may be used in the pool area. However, attendants may refuse the use of floatation devices and toys for safety or other reasons. Do not jump into, onto, or off of floatation devices and toys.


NO GLASS ITEMS are allowed in the pool area. All food and drink must be at least ten feet away from the pool at all times. Attendants have been instructed to contact law enforcement to remove homeowners, household members, or accompanying guests showing signs of drunkenness. Pool users shall clean up and dispose of trash and recycling.


Music played in the pool area must be appropriate for a family environment and the volume must be kept at a minimum listening level. However, attendants may refuse the playing of music for safety or other reasons.


Parties and party decoration are not allowed in the pool area. Renting the clubhouse does not include renting the pool area. Persons attending an event at the clubhouse are not allowed in the pool area unless they are homeowners, household members, or accompanying guests within the guest limit per household.


Diving, running and rough play are not allowed.


Tobacco and tobacco substitutes are forbidden in the pool area, including, but not limited to, smoking, vaping, chewing, and dipping. If a homeowner, household member, or accompanying guest exits the pool area to use tobacco or similar products, the homeowner, household member, or accompanying guest shall not leave a child 14 or younger unattended in the pool area. Cigarettes and similar products must be disposed of in smoking urns placed in designated smoking areas outside the pool area, and shall not move the urns.


Profanity is forbidden in the pool area.


Animals are forbidden in the pool area. Feeding wildlife is forbidden in or around the pool area.


Furniture must remain at least 10 feet from the pool’s edge. Furniture must be returned to its original location before exiting the pool area. Umbrellas must be closed before exiting the pool area.


Homeowners and household members shall display valid CHP HOA placards on their rear view mirrors while parked in the clubhouse parking lot. Guests are not permitted to park in the clubhouse parking lot. If a vehicle does not display a valid CHP HOA placard, the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense. If a vehicle is towed, contact Schroeder’s Towing Company (803-772-7930). Homeowners who do not have placards can contact the HOA management company (803-667-3763). Additionally, golf carts must be parked in parking spaces, not on grass or concrete areas.


Violation of these rules will result in the entire household’s pool privileges being suspended or terminated. Attendants may refuse admittance to anyone or remove anyone because of misbehavior or failure to comply with rules. The HOA will not tolerate rude and disobedient behavior. Attendants have been instructed to contact law enforcement and the HOA to report inappropriate behavior. Also, off duty City of Columbia police officers monitor the pool area at night. The officers have the authority to enforce HOA rules, arrest persons, and run license plate tags on vehicles for towing.


The pool area has 24 hour security cameras. The cameras monitor and record all persons entering, exiting, and using the pool area.


Check regularly for updates.


Please direct all questions, comments, concerns, or complaints regarding the pool to the HOA management company (803-667-3763) or the HOA Board of Directors at the above website.


851 Lost Creek Dr, Columbia, SC 29212