HOA October 2022 Meeting Minutes
CHP HOA Meeting
Board Members in Attendance: JJ, Jan, John, Karen, David
Board Members Absent:
Sage Ingerson, CAMS
Attendees: Seven homeowners
Trick-or-Treating is Halloween, Monday October 31, 6:00 – 9:00
Jan will judge the decorating contest on Saturday and Sunday Oct 29-30
Fall Festival is Saturday Oct. 29, 4-7
Tier Homes says they plan to start in November or early December.
We should get pictures of the curbs and medians before equipment starts to go through there.
Some properties on the dark hill have been marked and there is equipment there. Seems like they will start clearing any minute now.
David will get back in touch with the developer to manage the project.
JJ will be in touch with Chip (City of Columbia) about it, too.
The owner of the last tract (Lakeside) has applied to re-zone to single family large lot, much like The Bluff. We think this is to make it easier to sell.
The quote to clean the inside and outside of the clubhouse was reviewed and approved. Sage will have the contractor call Jan to set a time.
The last time the clubhouse got treated (transparent stain) was over ten years ago. Right after the cleaning would be the perfect time to do it. Sage will get some quotes.
Lance has been out many times to fix the lights but they are still not fixed. Do we want to consider hiring another electrician?
After discussion, it was agreed that Sage will send Lance a letter informing him that if the lights are not working properly and consistently by November 4, we will hare someone else to fit them, and charge Lance for it. The letter will include our suggestion to move the photo cell out from under the lights.
Sage is getting estimates on the storage room but some of the contractors had questions. She, JJ and John met just before this meeting and the questions were answered. She will continue with the quote process.
The quote to repair and repaint the pool bathrooms was reviewed and approved, including upgrades to the light switches, and new exhaust fans operated by a humidity sensor. This should help the problem with odors and help the paint and fixtures last longer. Sage will schedule.
Sage will also get an electrician to fix or remove the switch at the pool that shocks people.
The pool fob in the box for the police is missing. Sage will get a new one.
We ordered the new spinnie thing a month ago. Sage will check on progress.
The company installing the spinnie thing will look at the sharp edge that was reported recently.
We’ve all had a chance to see the proposed budget.
Some of the homeowner suggestions have already been addressed:
Repair pool water fountain – done
Ceiling in Men’s room is peeling – in process
Other homeowner suggestions should be doable:
Chairs need cleaning – part of pool budget
Repair deck on the river
Still considering removing that deck and putting a picnic pavilion on higher ground across the path.
Other homeowner suggestions are still to be priced and may or may not be able to be included:
More of the nice round picnic tables
Restock ponds
Ice Maker for clubhouse
Budget meeting is set for Wednesday Nov 16 at 6:00 in the clubhouse.
JJ suggested a Rules Committee to get homeowners’ input on covenant enforcement.
Richard and Phil agreed to meet with JJ and David to develop recommendations for the Board. After that we can give CAMS clear guidance on how to proceed with enforcement.
Common violations were discussed: trash cans by house vs. out of sight; basketball hoops on street; fences; sheds; RV and boat parking; mail boxes; solar panels; messy yards.
Jan suggested that we post reminders one issue at a time, with visuals to show what is acceptable and what is not. Sage suggested that CAMS could e-blast this as well.
When JJ and Sage were driving around they were stopped more than once. David will look into getting magnetic signs for the car to set peoples’ minds at ease that no criminal activity is going on.
Other business:
Norma saw a guy looking at the ponds. What is this about?
O’Neal is considering changing the aquatics company that maintains the ponds. He is getting quotes.
Next HOA meeting Nov 28.