2021 January HOA
Monthly Meeting

Meeting Start: 6:30pm

Board Members in Attendance: David Bergeron, JJ Gentry, Karen Sipos
Jan Talkish, John Wallace, and David Peterson of CAMS were unable to attend

Attendees: Four residents and O’Neil Gilliam, landscape contractor


Landscaping – O’Neil Gilliam, landscape contractor:
DHEC inspected the dams Dec. 28. Saw some erosion at the bottom of one, probably due to windy days. We’re researching how to rectify this. We’re also seeking to reclassify the dams so they only have to be inspected every 10 years rather than every 5.
We’re beginning to prepare the irrigation for spring.

Social Committee – Tammy Hartford, volunteer Social Committee member:
We’ve gotten some dates and events we would like to put on in 2021. Some of this assumes Covid restrictions will be lifted in the summer. If not, some things will have to change.

  • April 17: Nature Day. Scavenger hunt, flower planting. Hoping for kayaks and fishing activities, trying to get some volunteers and agencies to put up displays (recycling, wildlife, River Keeper, etc).
  • June 12: Outdoor Movie
  • July 4: games and raffle at the pool
  • October 23: Fall festival. Hoping to include Oyster Roast (much requested) or Lowcountry Boil.
  • December 4: Holiday Celebration. Hoping to move it back inside with food and beverages as we have in the past.

Pool – JJ Gentry and Karen Sipos, board members:
John and Karen will head the pool committee this year, with input from JJ. Karen was on the committee last year so it should be an easy transition.

We still need to build the shed per DHEC. JJ will talk to Sam from city council, to see if we can get someone to come look at the building to realize that we’re not building a new structure in the flood zone.
We’ll try to start getting together in February for regular meetings, inspections, and monitoring of the Covid situation and behaviors at the pool.

Don’t anticipate any major expenditures since both pumps and the filter media were replaced in 2020.
We have more experience with Covid now and realize that extra staffing is not necessary, so we expect to remain in budget this year.

Clubhouse – JJ Gentry, board member
Still have the 20 person limit due to Covid.

Rules and Enforcement – JJ Gentry, board member
To properly enforce the rules, we need to officially adopt a set of rules and penalties beyond what is outlined in the Covenants. We have to submit these to the state in January. Any rules or changes we adopt during the year are valid as long as we submit them the next January.
We are working on codifying these rules for 2021.

Questions and Ideas
We need an update on the recent sale of undeveloped areas. We should be proactive with the developer to avoid any conflicts and make sure things happen according to HOA guidelines.

Law enforcement was called this month due to vehicle break-ins and thefts. One vehicle was stolen from a garage (garage not fully secured and keys in vehicle).

  • The police would like us to remind residents that these are usually crimes of opportunity. Security cameras have seen people trying car doors, finding them locked, and simply moving on.

Lakes, Ponds, Trails:

  • Cormorants came in and ate many fish, probably damaging recreational fishing. After some discussion it was agreed to pursue a permit to try to chase them away to prevent further damage.
  • We do have a fish count planned for this year so we’ll see if anything can be done to restore the recreational fishing population.
  • Under a permit, beaver trapping has begun again. The beavers burrow into the dams for their dens, weakening the dams. If the main dam they are living in should fail, all of the ponds will drain into the river.
  • The weather should allow for some trail clean-up soon. We need volunteers.

Meeting End: 7:45pm


851 Lost Creek Dr, Columbia, SC 29212
