Annual Meeting
Board Members in Attendance: Jan, David, JJ
Board Members Absent: Karen, John
John Harrison, Town & Country not able to make it today
O’Neil Gilliam, landscape contractor
Attendees: about a dozen homeowners
Old Business:
- We’re applying for the credit card. They want board meeting minutes specifying each of our roles. Let’s send them this:
- David Bergeron, President, Treasurer, Secretary (exp 12/31/2024)
- JJ Gentry, Senior Board Member
- Jan Talkish, Board Member, Clubhouse Coordinator
- Karen Sipos, Board Member, Pool Coordinator
- John Wallace, Board Member
- We’ve applied for a Neighborhood Enrichment Grant for a new Little Library. Won’t know until July 15.
- We’ve signed with Law Firm Carolinas to handle our collections.
- The first right to cure letters went out this week.
- Walking path lights: the contractor installing internet cut a power line while boring under Lost Creek. It’s taking quite some time to get it fixed.
- They’ve also cut at least one irrigation line. O’Neil is working with them on this
- JJ suggested clearing some underbrush along the riverside trail for better views. Ward agreed to coordinate volunteers for this.
- Pool house expansion has begun. Could be finished in two weeks.
- Discussed getting into the pump room. The lock isn’t working.
- After the meeting JJ and David got the lock removed so work can proceed.
- We have a quote for changing the pool lights $600.
- The board approved.
- The kitchen sink has been repaired, and both bathroom faucets replaced.
- A leak at the water heater was reported, and the water heater was turned off. Jan and Jeremy re-energized it to see if they could find the leak. It was not found yet. Considering having a plumber look at it. It may just be the emergency relief valve.
- Sign board letters are wearing out and breaking. Would like to spend $40 on two new sets.
- The board approved.
- Homeowner asking for a metal building.
- The board denied. This is not in “harmony of external design in relation to surrounding structures” as specified in the covenants.
- The home improvement request feature on the portal is working now.
- When will the Rules Committee be ready to make recommendations?
- JJ and David will work out the language and meet with the rest of the committee for final approval. Then we can make recommendations to the board.
- The first covenant inspections by Town & Country will be on Friday March 1. JJ will ride with John to be sure T&C is not over-zealous in enforcement.
Next HOA meeting Mar 25.