Monthly Meeting
Board Members in Attendance: JJ, David, Karen, Jan
Board members absent: John
Other attendees: Daniel Bennett, CAMS Community Manager
O’Neil Gillium, landscape manager
About 6 homeowners and family members
- Becky is enjoying the long pole duster.
- We can use it on the lights outside as well.
- Jan has a quote to recover the four upholstered straight back chairs. It’s cheaper than replacing them.
- The clubhouse is almost completely booked for December.
- Sign decorating will be Sunday Nov 19 at 1:00. A volunteer is recruiting others to help.
- Pool committee is going to talk to both pool management companies and make a recommendation to the board.
- Still waiting for the city to approve our latest permits for the pool house extension.
- The cover can’t be fully secured because many of the anchors are broken or missing. The pool company quoted $750-1,000 to fix.
- We’ll take a look ourselves and see if there’s another way. We may have some replacements, or be able to order them and do the repair ourselves.
- Two months to go, one and a half months of expenses left.
- $53,000 in operating, with about $61,000 in expenses left.
- If the current income trend continues, that should leave the operating account at about zero at the end of the year.
- $86,000 in reserves.
- Planned to spend about $16,000 on pool house improvement this year, so call it $70,000.
- Currently looking at next year’s budget. With expenses going up, including for management, we may have to use reserves just to balance the books next year.
- Deficit spending is a horrible financial plan. First we’ll trim the budget as much as we can. A raise in assessments is inevitable, but by the covenants we can only raise it so much in a year. We’ve only increased dues twice in our 20+ years. We may have to have regular increases in the future.
Rules and Covenant Enforcement:
- The Rules Committee has met in public five times now. We’ve moved on from interpreting the covenants to writing down rules that are not in the covenants, and will soon be able to report to the board.
- This week’s topic is sports equipment in front yards.
- After that the committee will meet in private just to finalize the wording of our recommendations to the board.
- Will be removing some diseased trees. Need to add tree maintenance to the budget in the future; this has to be done by another company.
- Looking for a water leak the city says we have. First have to get a culvert cleaned out to figure out which French drain it’s coming into. Trying to get the right government to take responsibility.
- Will get a budget proposal to the board this week.
Projects and News:
- We found some brighter bulbs for the sidewalk lights and ordered them from Amazon. David installed enough to get all the lights working again.
- By doing this ourselves rather than hiring an electrician, we saved at least a few hundred dollars.
- David pointed out that the board and volunteers are continually trying to save money this way. Recovering the chairs rather than replacing; buying and installing the gate closers for the pool rather than hiring a fence company; buying and installing (with borrowed tools) curb ramps to fix the boat ramp.
- The trees which have fallen from the developer’s property onto homeowners’ properties on Pond Oak have not been removed.
- David asked for an aerial or map view with the sites marked to get to the developer.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm
There will be no HOA meeting in November.
Next meeting is the annual meeting Dec 11