Monthly Meeting
Board Members in Attendance: JJ, David, Karen
Board members absent: Jan, John
Other attendees: Daniel Bennett, CAMS Community Manager
About 6 homeowners and family members
- Cobwebs on the ceiling are dropping stuff almost daily. There should be a way to keep it clean.
- Having a service in regularly with the proper equipment will be expensive, and the problem will recur between treatments.
- David will look into an extendable pole with a duster.
- The interior lights have been fixed.
- The deck lights are an issue. We can’t just change the bulbs. We need to talk about changing the fixtures, and while we’re at it, getting brighter ones. This is a discussion for budget time.
- Apple plumbing will be here tomorrow (Tuesday Aug 29) to work on the septic.
- We’ve filed more information with the City for permits for the new extension. Awaiting the next step.
- Carpenter bees are still dropping sawdust into the water fountains.
- We tried for years in the past to eliminate them but nothing works.
- We’ll look at ways to keep the sawdust off the fountains.
- Umbrella bases are here. This led to a discussion of the cost of umbrellas each year, since they all end up destroyed by the end of the season. It might be better just not to have them. The pool committee can discuss next season in light of its budget.
- A suggestion was made to look into a one piece table-chair-umbrella option like the QT has.
- Apple plumbing will be here tomorrow (Tuesday Aug 29) to work on the septic.
- Due to better than expected assessment collections, plus late fees, we are on track to have more income this year than expected.
- Since we put off some planned expenses, we appear to have four months worth of budget left for the remaining four months of the year.
- This still depends on us using reserves, so we still need to consider raising assessments. The board is not in complete agreement with this so we still have to discuss.
- Late notices: Daniel reports that homeowners who have called in about the improper late notices in August have had them removed.
- It does not appear that CAMS has done anything proactive to find and remove late notices where homeowners have not complained.
- David will follow up on this.
Rules and Covenant Enforcement:
- The Rules Committee met for the first time last week. We started reviewing the existing Covenants. This will take several meetings, then we’ll be able to start writing actual rules for posting.
- We can’t make everyone happy but we want to make the community as livable as possible with maintaining property values.
- The topic of communications came up. We’re considering a quarterly newsletter by mail, but it’s expensive. We’re looking at ways to offset the cost.
- The next rules meeting is Wednesday August 30.
- There was another patrol this month. What kind of things were addressed?
- Home maintenance such as mildew growth and rotting fascia boards.
- Cars on grass
- Lawn maintenance
- We noticed a lot of damaged mailboxes. In the past each neighborhood had a standard mailbox, but as people replaced them the HOA did not enforce the standard. The rules committee should discuss this before we talk to homeowners about it.
- An opinion was heard that once there are guidelines for mailboxes, we should not require people to replace perfectly good mailboxes just because they’re not on the approved list. But we can supply the approved list to people who’s mailboxes need replacement.
Projects and News:
- We’ve made a claim against the driver’s insurance for the damage to the sign and landscaping. Waiting for an update.
- We need to talk about whether to replace the sign.
- We may not need a big sign on stone monuments like we had before, but there should be something. This issue was tabled for the time being.
- A question was raised about the black gate that swings over the road.
- Before that gate was installed there was a problem of trespassers simply pushing on the gate with their vehicle until the chain broke. A committee considered many options before deciding on this one. It opens in this direction so pushing won’t get it open. It’s this close to the road to prevent people parking in front of it and walking in, which would keep others from using it or from getting out.
- A complaint was made about some of the white light poles being out.
- It was suggested that CAMS make a regular night patrol to get them fixed.
- This will cost extra but we’ll look at putting it into the next contract.
- A complaint was made about landscaping. Often the cutting is uneven, parts are cut and others not, edging is not done, and sidewalks are not blown.
- David will talk to the contractor about more frequent inspections and holding the maintenance company accountable.
- A complaint was made about the continuing pothole in the parking lot.
- Last time we looked at that it would cost $35,000 to fix it right. We simply don’t have the income for that.
- Response: what about a go fund me, or a special assessment?
- Answer: special assessment has to be approved by 2/3 of homeowners
- Answer: the HOA would be thrilled if a homeowner wanted to collect voluntary donations (go fund me).
Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm
Next HOA meeting Sep 25