CHP HOA Meeting Minutes – 5//20/2019

(Meeting held a week early due to upcoming Memorial Day Weekend)

Meeting start: 6:32pm

Board Members in Attendance: J.J. Gentry, Jeremy Catoe, Jan Talkish, and O’Neill Gilliam

Board Members Absent: 0

Attendees:  9 Residents and Robert Anderson, Public Works Director, City of Columbia

Road Work:  After cleaning up some of the curb areas on Lost Creek Drive, the city has declared that the repaving project is done.  Robert Anderson, City of Columbia Public Works Director, reports that the city will do a visual inspection of Lost Creek Drive tomorrow (Tuesday, May 21).  The project ran over time schedule due to unusually wet weather last fall and delays due to shallow gas lines, however, Armstrong was recently fined by the City for not wrapping up the project in time after the road base curing stage.

The City will now begin looking at Phase 2 of the neighborhood road repair plans.  Robert reports that he recently drove all the streets within CHP to survey the condition of the roads and to find the most pressing areas in need of repair:  he has identified streets in the Bluff, Pond Oak, and the 100 block of Gauley Drive as priority areas. The City will probably do full depth patching as needed in these areas, and schedule lesser priority areas for repairs next spring.

Lost Creek Drive Street Lights:   The city will check into the schedule for getting street lights placed on Lost Creek Drive between Gauley Drive and Grove Hall Lane. Pole placement has been marked, but there has been no definitive date set to begin that project.

Pool:   The pool is open! The Board reports that there was a mad scramble to get it finished and set up in time for the May 18th opening date, but all the last-minute chores were done.   The Board is very pleased with how the pool area is looking – the renovations have provided more space, a new, safer deck, and made the overall area look brand new.  Even the water seems cleaner and clearer. The Board likes the new pool management company (Palmetto Pool Management), and is very happy that they have thus far lived up to all their promises.

Some changes to the pool this year:

New Pool Rules:  Rules were mailed out to residents, and should have been received earlier this week. The mailing had been delayed by a mistake at the mailing office – CHP’s rules were accidentally sent to a different neighborhood.  CAMS recognized the mistake, and they accepted full financial responsibility for the new mailing costs (not the HOA).

The Board requests that all residents please look over the new rules and become familiar with them prior to visiting the pool.   If you did not receive a copy, you may get them by calling CAMS at 803-732-9644, or visiting the CHP website at:

Staff  Changes:  Pool attendants are on duty Monday-Saturday from 10 am – 8:30 pm and Sunday from 12pm – 8:30 pm.  Lifeguards are on duty Saturday from 10 am – 8:30 pm and Sunday from 12-8:30 pm.  The attendant will be responsible for checking in residents and guests, overseeing the cleanliness of the pool, checking water chemistry throughout the day, and maintaining rules. Residents are advised that if they do not follow the pool rules, they will be asked to leave the pool area, and there may be further consequences.

Fobs:  Fobs are still required at the gate in order to enter the pool area.  Last weekend, there were some residents who encountered problems with their fobs not working, and could not access the pool.  This led to further frustrations because CAMS was closed for the weekend and fobs could not be fixed. With Memorial Day Weekend approaching, the Board anticipates heavy pool usage and advises to residents to drop by the pool before the weekend and test their fobs.    If your fob is not working, please call CAMS or drop by the office during their normal business hours:

401 Western Lane Suite 8-B, Irmo
Phone: (803) 732-9644
Fax: (803) 732-9625


Monday:  9AM–5PM
Tuesday:  9AM–5PM
Wednesday:  9AM–5PM
Thursday:  9AM–5PM
Friday:  9AM–5PM
Saturday:  Closed
Sunday:  Closed

 *Holiday Hours might differ

Renters:  Renters need to get pool fobs, lock codes (tennis courts) and lake/river gate keys from their home owner landlords.  CAMS will not supply those items to renters.  If the home owner landlords have not paid their HOA dues, renters have no access to amenities.  Renters are reminded to also check their pool fobs prior to planning a trip to the pool.

Sign In Sheet:  Attendees to the pool will be asked to sign in their household and any guests.  The sign in sheet will only be used when the attendant is on duty, and the information will be used for security and attendance data purposes only.  All residents (and their guests) wishing to use the pool must sign in.

Other updates:  The Board and Pool Committee are looking to finish shed on the far side of pool, which will be used for additional pool furniture/paraphernalia storage.  The Board and Pool Committee have also ordered more umbrellas, and will be getting a few of the pool chairs re-webbed.

Ducks:  DHEC is cracking down on our feathered friends, as their feces is a contaminant that can get the pool shut down.  In order to prevent the ducks from frequenting the pool area, residents are advised NOT to feed the ducks anywhere within or near the pool area.  Residents feeding the ducks within the pool area or through the fence will receive a one-time warning and then will be removed from the pool.  There is no leeway on this rule! If DHEC closes the pool due to health violation / contamination, it could stay closed the entire season!

Palmetto Pool Management is responsible for overseeing the pool’s operation.  Please direct all questions, comments, concerns, or complaints regarding the pool to Palmetto Pool Management (622-5474) or CAMS (732-9644).

CAMS:  Many residents have reported that phone calls to CAMS in the past couple of weeks have gone unanswered and/or have not been returned.  CAMS would like residents to know that they have fallen behind in returning phone calls because they are dealing with pool openings at all of their properties, and have been exceedingly busy. They apologize for delays, and urge residents to call again or drop by the office for assistance.

Landscaping:  O’Neill reports that the landscapers will not be seeding this year as the grass came in well.  In order to maintain the health of the grass, landscapers will aerate the public lawns and only seed where needed.  O’Neill wants residents to know that the aeration will initially look awful, but, will ultimately be beneficial to lawns and make them look great.  Wednesday (May 22) is spraying day within the neighborhood, when the pre-and post-emerge weed killer and fertilizer will be used.

Also, new mulch will be coming at the end of the month for the playground area.

If you need to report landscaping issues, please inform the Board.  If possible, please send a picture to show and help explain the issue.
Lighting:  The light pillars in front of the clubhouse have been finished.  While testing the pillars, it was discovered that the wall sconces outside the pool area were not working. The electrician came out, and after having a problem fixing the issue due to the antiquated wiring system (put in 20+ years ago), he is working on a proposal to replace and update the existing system so that electrical repairs in the future will be more efficient.

Signs:  Subdivision signs in need of repair (mostly rusts and mineral damage) will soon be pulled and repainted, so if you discover one missing from your subsection, please do not worry.

Clubhouse Parking Lot:  Parking lines have recently been repainted.  The Board is now getting contractor bids to repair the pothole that keeps reopening at the front of the parking lot.  It is expected that the repair will be budgeted for and made next spring.

Car Placards:  The Board would like to remind neighbors to always use their parking placards when parking throughout the common areas, such as at the boat ramp at the lake, the clubhouse complex, trailheads, and when parking at the Broad River boat ramp.  Each household is allowed two parking placards, however if you have teenaged or additional drivers, additional placards may be requested from CAMS. Cars found parked in HOA common areas without placards (on nights that events are NOT in progress) will be assumed to be from outside the neighborhood, and may be subject to towing.  CAMS can be reached at: (803) 732-9644

On Street Parking:  The Board spoke with Captain Yates of the Columbia Police Department (our regional commander) about continued complaints from residents regardingovernight parking on the streets in the neighborhood, and the failure for many of those repeat offenders to be ticketed.  Captain Yates said that the police don’t drive through the neighborhood every night, and that more pressing issues often prevent officers from ticketing. The Board has requested that roadways with blind/dangerous curves be checked often for offending vehicles. Residents can also use the Columbia Police Department’s online Traffic Complaint Form to report ongoing issues:

Social Committee:  Mark your calendars because on Saturday, May 25, at 3:00pm (Memorial Day weekend) The Social Committee will be hosting a Nerf War!  This event is for all ages and will be held in the great field across from the clubhouse.

Don’t have a Nerf gun?  No problem! The Social Committee has hired a professional Nerf War party business, which will be providing all equipment for this fun filled day!**

It will be a busy day as far as parking – people will be using the pool, and the clubhouse is hosting a private event.  Parking for the Nerf War will be in the parking lot (as space allows) and in the Broad River boat ramp parking area (the gate will be opened by a Board member).  Please remember to use your parking placards!  Cars in the boat ramp area without a placard are subject to towing!

**Please leave your personal Nerf guns and equipment at home so it will not become confused with the commercial equipment. If you have any questions, please contact the social committee via the CHP website at:

Inspections:  Reminder to residents; CAMS will be doing monthly drive through inspections. People found in violation will be sent warning letters. Currently, JJ is in the process of working on updating community rules, which will be distributed to residents at a later time.


Meeting End:  7:17pm

Minutes reviewed and authorized by: HOA Board Member

Renée Cabaup/Comm. Comm.

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