CHP HOA Meeting Agenda

CHP HOA Meeting Agenda
Meeting start: 6:30pm

Board Members in Attendance: JJ, John, Jan
Board Members Absent: Karen, David
David Peterson from CAMS
O’Neil Gilliam, landscape contractor

Attendees: 14

Piece of trim hanging off the top of the front of the clubhouse. Jan will get with CAMS to
replace that.

O’Neil reports that there is a new supervisor with the landscaping company. O’Neil will ensure
they are trained properly. Residents asked about trees on Pasa Fina and how they are blocking
the lights. That will be done when the crew has time to do it as it cost extra funds to have done
outside of normal schedule.

Replaced Pumps but all has been quiet.
Website says pool closes Sept 25th and attendants end Sept 5th. If that changes, please let
communication committee know to update the website.

David P, everything has been signed and notarized, will be taken tomorrow to be filed with the
county as public information.
Since the management transition is upon us, we’ll have to wait until probably September to roll
these out and start enforcement.
The law says the rules have to accessible, and specifically says posting them on a web page is
good enough. David B will post them on the web page, put a link to them on both Facebook
pages, and put on the sign boards that people need to check the web page for rules updates.
We’ll have to talk about what to focus on first. Of course there will be some push-back. The first
meeting after the announcement and the first one after fines are levied will be well attended.

Question brought up about recreation vehicles, and rules in bylaws and covenants seems to not
have the same rules laid out about how recreational vehicles are to be stored. JJ said we will look
at the bylaws on covenants on the website to ensure they do not contradict.

Light poles are up but there seems to still be more to do before they are lit. Landscapers will trim
the trees around them as needed. They look great!

Tier Homes plans to break ground on The Pointe any time between August and November. So
far our relationship seems to be good but so far it’s all words; we’ll see what happens when the
equipment rolls in.
They have agreed to protect the existing properties with a reinforced silt fence and a backup silt
fence. Traffic will be restricted to the area between the Clubhouse Road and The Pointe. They
have agreed to replace the magnolias they remove for the emergency access road. This road will
be concrete.
O’Neil, he sent an email with details.

New Management:
Congratulations to David Peterson on his retirement. Has been our property manager since day
one of construction and he will be missed.
Our new management company is CAMS (Community Association Management Services), an
accredited company with 32 year’s experience and nine offices in North and South Carolina.
They will have different procedures from CAMS, but they still do what the HOA tells them to
No doubt there will be some confusion during the transition period, but they and the HOA will
adjust to each other. They have assigned us a single point of contact there: Community Manager
Sage Ingerson, who has worked with us through CAMS for the past ten years. We’ll get Sage’s
contact information as soon as she has it.
For most homeowners, this just means a different way to pay and a different phone number to
call with questions. No doubt CAMS has perfected procedures over the past three decades so
payments and questions should be handled quickly and professionally.

Tennis Courts Issue, we have a committee made up of people in neighborhood. Keith has a
comment about people who do the instruction on the tennis courts. We have three people who
instruct classes on our courts who do not live here, and they make money to instruct on the
courts. But they should be teaching out residents. Discussion was had about the agreements with
the three instructors. It is now being sent to the board for discussion and approval.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm

Next HOA meeting Aug 29.


851 Lost Creek Dr, Columbia, SC 29212