CHP HOA Meeting Minutes – 2//25/2019
Meeting start: 6:30pm
Board Members in Attendance: J.J. Gentry, Jeremy Catoe, Jan Talkish, O’Neill Gilliam
Board Members Absent: 0
Attendees: 11 Residents and David Peterson, CEO of CAMS Services
Clubhouse: Security cameras were recently installed inside the clubhouse, and were to be tested late Sunday night. These cameras will record activity and events within the clubhouse, and will be operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Cameras will not be constantly monitored, but footage will be available if problems arise. These cameras not only record video, but also sound, and were installed to prevent vandalism. Please be aware when renting the clubhouse that monitoring is taking place. Additional security cameras will be installed to cover the pool area and the parking lots.
Within the clubhouse itself, a new microwave was purchased, as well as a new stereo system and speakers. Residents are reminded to please not move or touch the speakers. The speakers are mounted with very short wires, and attempting to move them can cause damage. Movement of the speakers or stereo system will be considered a breach of clubhouse contract.
The blinds that are in the clubhouse office are also scheduled to be replaced. The current metal blinds were actually meant for sliding glass doors as opposed to windows, and not only look terrible but interfere with the antenna system. New better fitting wood blinds will be purchased soon.
Website: The website has undergone some maintenance, which includes updating and a new calendar. The website also features a blog section which is updated every couple of weeks. If you are interested in submitting a blog for the website, please contact the Communications Committee at
Blogs may be stories of interest about the neighborhood, the Columbia community, helpful hints, a favorite recipe, a cartoon, or any type of story or media that may be of interest to residents. Blogs cannot be used for advertising personal businesses. If you have any questions, please contact the Communications Committee.
CAMS Resident Portal: Over the past couple of weeks, residents reported they could not sign into the Portal. David Peterson joins us tonight, and reports that recent problems with the Portal have been resolved. Also, some residents have recently received late payment fees, despite the fact that their payments are made automatically, and accounts were paid on time. This was due to their automatic payment information still being on the old CAMS system, and this has also been fixed. If you have – or continue to receive – an unwarranted late charge please let CAMS know.
The Portal may be accessed at: and the office may be reached at: (803) 732-9644
Landscaping: Greening season is here! O’Neill reports that seeding on the parkway and in other areas, as well as other landscaping projects, are about 90% planned for mid May. If you know of any areas that need attention, please call CAMS and they will relay that information to O’Neill.
O’Neill would also like to remind residents who want to fish at the Grove Hall Pond that they must access the pond using the newly finished trail that was built off of Lost Creek Drive, behind the Grove Hall neighborhood sign. Parking is located across the street near the gate that goes to the neighborhood lake. Like all trails in the neighborhood, the new path is built only for hiking and pedal bicycles only – posts have been placed at the trailhead to prevent golf carts and other motorized vehicles from accessing the path.
Residents report that the lights at the Hollingshed Road CHP sign are positioned in such a way that they shine under the sign, blinding drivers who are coming down the hill (from the Oak Point School side). The lights will be checked and tilted back to prevent this from occurring.
A resident in attendance commented on the number of weeds in the common areas, and asked if there was anything that could be done about them? According to O’Neill, a weed preventative cannot be laid down at this point due to greening, but the lawn care company is aware of the issue and is making plans to better handle the situation next year.
Trails: For resident hikers, we are pleased to announce that a new, green-colored message board has been placed on Lost Creek Drive at the trailhead by the magnolia trees. The Communications Committee is in the process of revamping maps for all of the hiking trails, and as soon as they are finished, they will be posted at this new trailhead as well as others.
Beaver Population Control: After applying to the state for a beaver trapping permit (trapping without a permit is illegal in South Carolina), the trapping process has begun to cull the population of beavers within the neighborhood. Jeremy Catoe is overseeing this operation, and is placing and maintaining all traps. Our permit allows for trapping for three months; however Jeremy is sure we will not need that much time.
Some residents are very upset about the trapping process; however it is necessary at this time as the beavers are causing damage to our ponds and springs, and flooding neighbor’s yards. One beaver has destroyed one of the pond dikes at the clubhouse complex by digging through the dike and flooding the neighboring swampland. Our ponds and lake are maintained by a pump system, and loss of water like this can cause damage to the system. Destructive behavior such as this must be addressed.
Unfortunately, this is natural behavior to beavers, and as such, beavers that are trapped and relocated tend to return and continue their destructive behavior. Therefore, South Carolina law mandates that beavers cannot be trapped and relocated; they must be trapped and destroyed. Beavers are considered rodents – albeit 40 pound rodents.
Jeremy would like neighborhood residents to know the following information about the trapping and the traps:
— Traps are being placed on the back side of most ponds, off the beaten path, and are marked by yellow caution tape. Jeremy has been placing pictures on the unofficial Facebook page, with markings that show the location of active traps.
— Residents are asked to please keep themselves and pets out of the marked areas. Also, please keep dogs out of the ponds where traps are set. These traps are very dangerous to humans and pets.
— It is illegal to tamper with these traps. Traps are checked every 24 hours (by Jeremy), and individuals found to be tampering with them maybe fined.
— Traps are built to provide a quick and humane death to beavers that enter them – Jeremy would like concerned residents to know that any trapped beavers do not suffer.
Street Lights: JJ would like to remind residents that if you see a street light that is out, please call the proper company to repair them:
— Black poles – owned by SCE&G – please call them and provide the lamp post number found on the pole.
— White poles – owned by the HOA – please call CAMS and provide them with the lamp post number found on the pole. CAMS’s office number is (803) 732-9644
Please do not assume that somebody else will or may have called – both companies would prefer getting multiple calls than no calls, and the streets remaining dark.
Tennis Courts: Recently, it was reported that strong winds took down some of the screens around the tennis courts; however they have all been repaired by the Tennis Committee.
Pool Committee: The newly formed Pool Committee will have its first meeting on Monday, March 4, at the Clubhouse, at 6:30pm. If you are interested in joining, it is not too late! Please contact JJ Gentry or Jeremy Catoe via the CHP website if you have questions:
Clubhouse Complex Issues: With warmer weather approaching, trespassing season has started at the Clubhouse Complex. Board members are already hearing about and seeing cars in the parking lot that do not have CHP placards and probably do not belong to residents within the community. Very soon we will be starting up strict enforcement again, which will include increased police patrols. Residents are reminded to use their CHP car placards if they will be parking at the clubhouse. If you do not have a placard, please call CAMS and they will provide you with one for each of your vehicles. CAMS can be reached at: (803) 732-9644
We have also had problems with fishermen from outside the neighborhood trespassing at the ponds. Residents who will be fishing the ponds, the lake, or using the boat ramp at the river, are asked to please carry a picture ID with them or something to show that you live within the neighborhood should a Board member or police officer ask for identification.
A reminder from the Board: when fishing, please do not park on the grass or on the side of the Clubhouse Road. Parking on the grass kills that specific spot and causes ruts. Parking in the road blocks access, particularly when traffic is coming both directions. Please park in the parking lot and walk to the pond of your choice. Please don’t forget to hang your car placard from your rearview mirror!
There have been reports of late of motorized vehicles on some of the hiking trails. Hiking trails are for foot traffic and pedal bicycles only! Please respect the rules of the hiking trails so that their beauty can be maintained and enjoyed by all.
Social Committee: The Social Committee has finished planning all events for the year, and will be announcing dates and time soon. The next event to be held will be a Nerf Gun Party in the Spring. Info will be forthcoming!
Pool Repairs: Pool repairs have started, and are being done by Clearwater Pools of Irmo. Currently, Clearwater staff is jack-hammering the old concrete to remove it, and will soon be pouring the new concrete deck. During this process, they will also be moving light poles toward the back of the pool area. Once all the concrete settles, Clearwater will check to make sure that the deck base is secured and then the final surfacing will begin. All cracks will be filled in so that water won’t get under the concrete, thus avoiding issues with bumps and lifting/sinking sections. Clearwater Pools will also be fixing some areas around the side and rim of the pool itself and working on providing better drainage at the back of the pool deck area. Repairs are moving along nicely, and the pool is still slated to open on time.
The new secondary pool gates will be installed in the next few weeks. These gates will prevent access to the pool deck during the off season, thus allowing residents using the playground and tennis courts to access bathrooms (using their fobs at the first gate) at the pool center.
Lifeguards vs. Attendants: The big discussion for the night, and one that has garnered a lot of opinions on the unofficial Facebook page, had to do with the possibility of replacing lifeguards at the pool with attendants. Over the years, the Board has fielded many complaints from residents about lifeguard behavior, cleanliness at the pool, and residents who fail to follow the pool rules. The Board understands that change is needed at this time, and has begun the process of collecting information about the needs and requirements at our pool, as well as the wishes and opinions of residents.
Chestnut Hill Plantation originally had a pool attendant until about 10 years ago, when the community – which was roughly a quarter of the size that it is now – began to rapidly grow, and the decision was made to switch to lifeguards. However, for various reasons, many HOAs are now moving back to having attendants, and the Board is debating whether or not CHP should follow suit.
It was previously reported that DHEC rules mandate that an HOA community have either two lifeguards per pool or no lifeguards, with the stipulation that residents swim at their own risk. Jeremy spoke with DHEC to get clarification regarding the rules surrounding the use of lifeguards versus attendants, and found that the previous report was erroneous. Because our pool is classified as a Class B pool (private community) we need only have ONE lifeguard, or none with the understanding that residents’ swim at your own risk.’
There only two companies in the area that offer lifeguards and/or attendants: Caroline Pool Management, which has been with CHP since the very beginning, and another company, which was unnamed at the meeting. Carolina Pool tends to lean toward the use of lifeguards, but also employs attendants. The other company provides attendants, only. Both companies have discussed the pros and cons of having lifeguards or attendants, but neither is placing pressure on the CHP Board to make a decision. The Board spoke about how safety is the number one concern at the pool, but frankly, the current lifeguard situation is not working.
*****Pros and cons: Lifeguards
— Trained in water safety.
— Provide residents with a sense of ‘safety’ because of their certification.
— Carolina Pool Management lifeguard employment duties include maintaining the cleanliness of the pool deck, and conducting basic water testing throughout the day.
— The Board has noticed that each year lifeguard seemed to becoming younger and younger, and this contributes to problems of not paying attention to the pool (lifeguards on phones and goofing off), and problems with confronting residents who are violating pool rules (younger guards often feel intimidated).
— Liability increases with the use of lifeguards, because if there is a water incident/accident lifeguards are held liable.
— Lifeguards are a more expensive option, as many must be employed for shift rotations.
*****Pros and cons: Attendants
— More cost effective – only one or two are needed to cover a pool throughout the day.
— Would enforce pool rules, maintain basic cleanliness, and do basic water tests.
— Often older, and not as easily intimidated as younger people when it comes to enforcing rules.
— No liability issues, because ‘swim at your own risk’ places liability on the swimmer or parents if the swimmer is a minor.
— Not trained in water safety
— Older, more experienced attendants can be just as expensive as a lifeguard.
— May or may not be on site the entire day, depending on the contract offered.
The Board is currently exploring options on whether to go completely with lifeguards, with an attendant, or with a combination of both. This decision depends on what both pool companies offer as far as contracts.
The Board has not made any decisions as yet as they are still receiving input from residents, and will be discussing the matter further with the newly established Pool Committee. If you would like to share your opinion on the matter, please email the Board at:
Meeting End: 8:00pm
Minutes reviewed and authorized by: Jeremy Catoe, HOA Board Member
Renée Cabaup/Comm. Comm.
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